Welcome To Mahishadal Girls' College



College Magazine "MUKUR", College Wall Magazine "PRATYAY" and Journal "FOCUS" are being also published periodically and college bulletin "ANUSHKA" is launched on April, 2011. FOCUS(ISSN-2231-1408) is a bilingual and multi disciplinary college journal intending to publish fundamental researches in the areas yet remain untrodden. Besides these, every Department publish their respective Wall Magazine regularly e.g.,

  1. VENTURE (English Department)
  2. LAHARI (Geography Department)
  3. KHANITRA (Education Department)
  4. ANWESAN (Anthropology Department)
  5. SRIJAN (Bengali Department)
  6. INDIKA (History Department)
  7. SHRADDHARGHYAM (Sanskrit Department)
  8. PATHEYA (Philosophy Department)
  9. SUCHETANA (Sociology Department)
  10. SUNDAR (Music Department)
  11. KRIRALOK (Physical Education)
  12. NUTRITION TODAY (Nutrition Department)
  13. PRISOM (Political Science Department)
  14. MOLECULE (Chemistry Department)
  15. RASHI(Mathematics Department)
  16. QUANTUM(Physics Department)
  17. IMPULSE (Physiology Department)
  18. ABACUS(Computer Science Department)


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