Welcome To Mahishadal Girls' College

Alumni Association

Alumni Association

The PRAKTANI SABHA (Alumnae Association) of college was established in 2002. It was registered under the West Bengal Societies Act. The Governing Body of the college has already its approval since 2005-2006. The registration number is S/IL 34202. The college keeps continue its interaction with pass-out students through regular meetings. The registration fee for alumni is a minimal Rs.100.00 per year but the association is open in accepting any donation of larger sums and welcoming any contribution from any person or any corner who are willing to.

It was established to fulfill following objectives:

  • To guide the students community.
  • To establish a healthy relationship between the students, alumnae and all academic fraternities of the college.
  • To assist in holding seminars, symposium, workshop and many other philanthropic activities.
  • To promote all academic and infrastructural development.
  • To offer services that college needs.
  • To counsel about students' career.
  • To offer necessary suggestions and recommendation, to the college authority, if needed.

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